@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+# 安防项目
+Version | Update Time | Status | Author | Description
+v2022-07-14 11:42:04|2022-07-14 11:42:04|auto|@pc|Created by smart-doc
+## 大华摄像机
+### 大华平台数据同步
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getDhDeviceListNew
+**Type:** GET
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+**Description:** 大华平台数据同步
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+ "status": {
+ },
+ "code": "61273",
+ "msg": "11kpcp",
+ "data": {
+ "waring": "You may have used non-display generics."
+ },
+ "exception": "2y713i"
+### 记录查询
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getLocalDeviceList
+**Type:** GET
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+**Description:** 记录查询
+Parameter | Type|Description|Required|Since
+joinDevice|int32|No comments found.|false|-
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+└─start|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceId|int32|设备id|-
+ └─id|string|id|-
+ └─name|string|名称|-
+ └─serviceType|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceIp|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─proxyport|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─belong|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─role|int32|角色|-
+ └─shopName|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─type|int32|类型|-
+ └─manufacturer|string|厂商|-
+ └─firstPhone|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─videoType|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─password|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─rights|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─model|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─devMaintainer|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─comCode|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceCn|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─devMaintainerPh|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─address|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─ip|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─ownerGroup|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─firstOwner|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceSn|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─unitnum|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─firstPosition|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceLocPliceStation|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─baudRate|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─firstTel|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─unitNodes|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─port|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─callNumber|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─logintype|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─devicePort|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─user|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─registDeviceCode|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─status|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceLocation|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─dhdesc|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─nvrIp|string|主机id|-
+ └─nvrPort|int32|主机端口|-
+ "status": {
+ },
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+ "totalCount": 819,
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+ "totalPages": 897,
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+ {
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+ "id": "63",
+ "name": "明轩.杜",
+ "serviceType": 741,
+ "deviceIp": "",
+ "proxyport": 153,
+ "belong": "a0998t",
+ "role": 740,
+ "shopName": "明轩.杜",
+ "type": 684,
+ "manufacturer": "sqe833",
+ "firstPhone": "17374292054",
+ "videoType": "4bmn1w",
+ "password": "sqhb7c",
+ "rights": "ankk95",
+ "model": "v7fllu",
+ "devMaintainer": "vzh0hm",
+ "comCode": "61273",
+ "deviceCn": "77nf0f",
+ "devMaintainerPh": "lt8000",
+ "address": "Apt. 052 田栋94041号, 湖州, 鲁 679599",
+ "ip": "",
+ "ownerGroup": "dqj0zs",
+ "firstOwner": "yoi51w",
+ "deviceSn": "ps1tit",
+ "unitnum": 448,
+ "firstPosition": "kv6336",
+ "deviceLocPliceStation": "g6307d",
+ "baudRate": "5plo4h",
+ "firstTel": "y219yr",
+ "unitNodes": "3nwb2z",
+ "port": 842,
+ "callNumber": "bbb7lx",
+ "logintype": "2me3u1",
+ "devicePort": 531,
+ "user": "uj70i9",
+ "registDeviceCode": "61273",
+ "status": 754,
+ "deviceLocation": "uiy2dh",
+ "dhdesc": "ahpwji",
+ "nvrIp": "",
+ "nvrPort": 904
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "exception": "yobcim"
+### 获取设备下单元信息
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getLocalUnitNodes
+**Type:** GET
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+**Description:** 获取设备下单元信息
+Parameter | Type|Description|Required|Since
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+└─start|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─id|int32|id|-
+ └─streamType|string|类型|-
+ └─zeroChnEncode|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─dhindex|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─channelnum|string|单元下通道数量|-
+ └─subType|string|单元类型 1 编码单元 2解码单元 3 报警输入 4 报警输出 5电视墙输入;6电视墙输出;7门禁单元;8对讲单元;10东环单元;14 匝道 15 led;16 周界单元|-
+ └─type|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─deviceId|string|设备id|-
+ └─deviceName|string|设备名称|-
+ "status": {
+ },
+ "code": "61273",
+ "msg": "2pjjm1",
+ "data": {
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+ "totalCount": 63,
+ "start": 566,
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+ "totalPages": 522,
+ "pageList": [
+ {
+ "id": 973,
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+ "dhindex": "k1ief1",
+ "channelnum": "xluqkj",
+ "subType": "26elei",
+ "type": "k13bx5",
+ "deviceId": "63",
+ "deviceName": "明轩.杜"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "exception": "6ehytu"
+### 本地单元下属通道信息获取
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getLocalChannel
+**Type:** GET
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+**Description:** 本地单元下属通道信息获取
+Parameter | Type|Description|Required|Since
+deviceId|string|No comments found.|false|-
+id|string|No comments found.|false|-
+unitType|string|No comments found.|false|-
+deviceCode|string|No comments found.|false|-
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+└─start|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─channelId|int32|通道编号|-
+ └─id|string|id|-
+ └─unitId|string|单元编号|-
+ └─subMulticastPort|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─latitude|string|精度|-
+ └─recordLocation|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─direct|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─channelType|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─cmsXmlExt|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─rights|string|权限|-
+ └─longitude|string|维度|-
+ └─linkChl3|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─linkChl4|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─linkChl1|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─linkChl2|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─channelRemoteType|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─viewDomain|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─ctrlId|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─cameraType|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─subMulticastIp|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─cameraFunctions|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─name|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─nvrChnlIp|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─multicastPort|int32|No comments found.|-
+ └─multicastIp|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─channelSn|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─chdesc|string|No comments found.|-
+ └─status|int32|状态|-
+ └─nvrIp|string|主机地址|-
+ └─hlsPort|string|主机端口|-
+ └─deviceId|string|设备id|-
+ └─deviceName|string|设备名称|-
+ └─unitType|string|单元类型|-
+ "status": {
+ },
+ "code": "61273",
+ "msg": "vyl1q0",
+ "data": {
+ "pageSize": 10,
+ "totalCount": 415,
+ "start": 946,
+ "pageNo": 775,
+ "totalPages": 271,
+ "pageList": [
+ {
+ "channelId": 872,
+ "id": "63",
+ "unitId": "63",
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+ "latitude": "4lvhfq",
+ "recordLocation": 304,
+ "direct": "u4uysb",
+ "channelType": 526,
+ "cmsXmlExt": "rxecpm",
+ "rights": "6hwn9c",
+ "longitude": "0iwrai",
+ "linkChl3": "d9w9v2",
+ "linkChl4": "3saoqz",
+ "linkChl1": "fcis0m",
+ "linkChl2": "os8vbh",
+ "channelRemoteType": "q5d896",
+ "viewDomain": "xn--wg3a.org",
+ "ctrlId": "63",
+ "cameraType": 572,
+ "subMulticastIp": "",
+ "cameraFunctions": 264,
+ "name": "明轩.杜",
+ "nvrChnlIp": "",
+ "multicastPort": 547,
+ "multicastIp": "",
+ "channelSn": "jo7k8d",
+ "chdesc": "7k5ek4",
+ "status": 61,
+ "nvrIp": "",
+ "hlsPort": "naa85a",
+ "deviceId": "63",
+ "deviceName": "明轩.杜",
+ "unitType": "ldiu1j"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "exception": "h1l66z"
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getDeviceOne
+**Type:** GET
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+Parameter | Type|Description|Required|Since
+deviceId|string|No comments found.|true|-
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+└─serviceType|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─deviceIp|string|No comments found.|-
+└─proxyport|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─belong|string|No comments found.|-
+└─shopName|string|No comments found.|-
+└─firstPhone|string|No comments found.|-
+└─videoType|string|No comments found.|-
+└─password|string|No comments found.|-
+└─rights|string|No comments found.|-
+└─model|string|No comments found.|-
+└─devMaintainer|string|No comments found.|-
+└─comCode|string|No comments found.|-
+└─deviceCn|string|No comments found.|-
+└─devMaintainerPh|string|No comments found.|-
+└─address|string|No comments found.|-
+└─ip|string|No comments found.|-
+└─ownerGroup|string|No comments found.|-
+└─firstOwner|string|No comments found.|-
+└─deviceSn|string|No comments found.|-
+└─unitnum|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─firstPosition|string|No comments found.|-
+└─deviceLocPliceStation|string|No comments found.|-
+└─baudRate|string|No comments found.|-
+└─firstTel|string|No comments found.|-
+└─unitNodes|string|No comments found.|-
+└─port|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─callNumber|string|No comments found.|-
+└─logintype|string|No comments found.|-
+└─devicePort|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─user|string|No comments found.|-
+└─registDeviceCode|string|No comments found.|-
+└─status|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─deviceLocation|string|No comments found.|-
+└─dhdesc|string|No comments found.|-
+ "status": {
+ },
+ "code": "61273",
+ "msg": "txqkbj",
+ "data": {
+ "deviceId": 884,
+ "id": "63",
+ "name": "明轩.杜",
+ "serviceType": 457,
+ "deviceIp": "",
+ "proxyport": 104,
+ "belong": "3h2xmg",
+ "role": 800,
+ "shopName": "明轩.杜",
+ "type": 593,
+ "manufacturer": "tvzvef",
+ "firstPhone": "17374292054",
+ "videoType": "ewc4km",
+ "password": "uzxpz7",
+ "rights": "d5jn2j",
+ "model": "e4stux",
+ "devMaintainer": "24yhxn",
+ "comCode": "61273",
+ "deviceCn": "1wc0q3",
+ "devMaintainerPh": "662m1o",
+ "address": "Apt. 052 田栋94041号, 湖州, 鲁 679599",
+ "ip": "",
+ "ownerGroup": "w0842x",
+ "firstOwner": "c41bcp",
+ "deviceSn": "q8zusg",
+ "unitnum": 777,
+ "firstPosition": "ia4n5a",
+ "deviceLocPliceStation": "fyh4xn",
+ "baudRate": "spa67t",
+ "firstTel": "85vjls",
+ "unitNodes": "0s07rv",
+ "port": 97,
+ "callNumber": "lvwn64",
+ "logintype": "oojgh0",
+ "devicePort": 700,
+ "user": "jc3mzj",
+ "registDeviceCode": "61273",
+ "status": 254,
+ "deviceLocation": "4yarnc",
+ "dhdesc": "1ing0j",
+ "nvrIp": "",
+ "nvrPort": 194
+ },
+ "exception": "2rp7vs"
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getChannelOne
+**Type:** GET
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+Parameter | Type|Description|Required|Since
+channelId|string|No comments found.|true|-
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+└─subMulticastPort|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─recordLocation|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─direct|string|No comments found.|-
+└─channelType|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─cmsXmlExt|string|No comments found.|-
+└─linkChl3|string|No comments found.|-
+└─linkChl4|string|No comments found.|-
+└─linkChl1|string|No comments found.|-
+└─linkChl2|string|No comments found.|-
+└─channelRemoteType|string|No comments found.|-
+└─viewDomain|string|No comments found.|-
+└─ctrlId|string|No comments found.|-
+└─cameraType|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─subMulticastIp|string|No comments found.|-
+└─cameraFunctions|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─name|string|No comments found.|-
+└─nvrChnlIp|string|No comments found.|-
+└─multicastPort|int32|No comments found.|-
+└─multicastIp|string|No comments found.|-
+└─channelSn|string|No comments found.|-
+└─chdesc|string|No comments found.|-
+ "status": {
+ },
+ "code": "61273",
+ "msg": "krjh7o",
+ "data": {
+ "channelId": 812,
+ "id": "63",
+ "unitId": "63",
+ "subMulticastPort": 462,
+ "latitude": "6s3lyj",
+ "recordLocation": 936,
+ "direct": "q0yksf",
+ "channelType": 185,
+ "cmsXmlExt": "0z4ndx",
+ "rights": "hv9d0s",
+ "longitude": "7yecx6",
+ "linkChl3": "afa9wk",
+ "linkChl4": "418t2j",
+ "linkChl1": "od55nw",
+ "linkChl2": "tv3yve",
+ "channelRemoteType": "2upsp3",
+ "viewDomain": "xn--wg3a.org",
+ "ctrlId": "63",
+ "cameraType": 300,
+ "subMulticastIp": "",
+ "cameraFunctions": 283,
+ "name": "明轩.杜",
+ "nvrChnlIp": "",
+ "multicastPort": 948,
+ "multicastIp": "",
+ "channelSn": "scasz4",
+ "chdesc": "ol4p1g",
+ "status": 782,
+ "nvrIp": "",
+ "hlsPort": "abhiqu",
+ "deviceId": "63",
+ "deviceName": "明轩.杜",
+ "unitType": "ajebna"
+ },
+ "exception": "2muzse"
+### h获取实时视频地址
+**URL:** https://smartpark.caih.com/dmapi/dhController/getVideoLiveUrl
+**Type:** POST
+**Author:** laowo
+**Content-Type:** application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
+**Description:** h获取实时视频地址
+Parameter | Type|Description|Required|Since
+nvrIp|string|No comments found.|true|-
+port|string|No comments found.|true|-
+deviceID|string|No comments found.|true|-
+Field | Type|Description|Since
+ "status": {
+ },
+ "code": "61273",
+ "msg": "3kdtqc",
+ "data": {
+ "waring": "You may have used non-display generics."
+ },
+ "exception": "opihah"
+### 备注
+#### 调用地址
+* https://smartpark.caih.com/spapi/dhController/getLocalChannel?pageNo=1&pageSize=10&unitType=1
+#### 拼接视频播放地址js代码
+http://" + row.nvr_ip + ":" + row.hls_port + "/live/cameraid/" + row.deviceId + "%24" + row.id.split("$")[(row.id.split("$")).length-1] + "/substream/1.m3u8