@@ -1,150 +1,152 @@
-//package com.ruoyi.common.datascope.aspect;
-//import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
-//import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
-//import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
-//import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
-//import com.ruoyi.common.core.utils.StringUtils;
-//import com.ruoyi.common.core.web.domain.BaseEntity;
-//import com.ruoyi.common.datascope.annotation.DataScope;
-//import com.ruoyi.common.security.utils.SecurityUtils;
-//import com.ruoyi.system.api.domain.SysRole;
-//import com.ruoyi.system.api.domain.SysUser;
-//import com.ruoyi.system.api.model.LoginUser;
-// * 数据过滤处理
-// *
-// * @author ruoyi
-// */
-//public class DataScopeAspect
-// /**
-// * 全部数据权限
-// */
-// public static final String DATA_SCOPE_ALL = "1";
-// /**
-// * 自定数据权限
-// */
-// public static final String DATA_SCOPE_CUSTOM = "2";
-// /**
-// * 部门数据权限
-// */
-// public static final String DATA_SCOPE_DEPT = "3";
-// /**
-// * 部门及以下数据权限
-// */
-// public static final String DATA_SCOPE_DEPT_AND_CHILD = "4";
-// /**
-// * 仅本人数据权限
-// */
-// public static final String DATA_SCOPE_SELF = "5";
-// /**
-// * 数据权限过滤关键字
-// */
-// public static final String DATA_SCOPE = "dataScope";
-// @Before("@annotation(controllerDataScope)")
-// public void doBefore(JoinPoint point, DataScope controllerDataScope) throws Throwable
-// {
-// clearDataScope(point);
-// handleDataScope(point, controllerDataScope);
-// }
-// protected void handleDataScope(final JoinPoint joinPoint, DataScope controllerDataScope)
-// {
-// // 获取当前的用户
-// LoginUser loginUser = SecurityUtils.getLoginUser();
-// if (StringUtils.isNotNull(loginUser))
-// {
-// SysUser currentUser = loginUser.getSysUser();
-// // 如果是超级管理员,则不过滤数据
-// if (StringUtils.isNotNull(currentUser) && !currentUser.isAdmin())
-// {
-// dataScopeFilter(joinPoint, currentUser, controllerDataScope.deptAlias(),
-// controllerDataScope.userAlias());
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * 数据范围过滤
-// *
-// * @param joinPoint 切点
-// * @param user 用户
-// * @param deptAlias 部门别名
-// * @param userAlias 用户别名
-// */
-// public static void dataScopeFilter(JoinPoint joinPoint, SysUser user, String deptAlias, String userAlias)
-// {
-// StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder();
-// for (SysRole role : user.getRoles())
-// {
-// String dataScope = role.getDataScope();
-// if (DATA_SCOPE_ALL.equals(dataScope))
-// {
-// sqlString = new StringBuilder();
-// break;
-// }
-// else if (DATA_SCOPE_CUSTOM.equals(dataScope))
-// {
-// sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
-// " OR {}.dept_id IN ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_role_dept WHERE role_id = {} ) ", deptAlias,
-// role.getRoleId()));
-// }
-// else if (DATA_SCOPE_DEPT.equals(dataScope))
-// {
-// sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(" OR {}.dept_id = {} ", deptAlias, user.getDeptId()));
-// }
-// else if (DATA_SCOPE_DEPT_AND_CHILD.equals(dataScope))
-// {
-// sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
-// " OR {}.dept_id IN ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_dept WHERE dept_id = {} or find_in_set( {} , ancestors ) )",
-// deptAlias, user.getDeptId(), user.getDeptId()));
-// }
-// else if (DATA_SCOPE_SELF.equals(dataScope))
-// {
-// if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAlias))
-// {
-// sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(" OR {}.user_id = {} ", userAlias, user.getUserId()));
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// // 数据权限为仅本人且没有userAlias别名不查询任何数据
-// sqlString.append(" OR 1=0 ");
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sqlString.toString()))
-// {
-// Object params = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
-// if (StringUtils.isNotNull(params) && params instanceof BaseEntity)
-// {
-// BaseEntity baseEntity = (BaseEntity) params;
-// baseEntity.getParams().put(DATA_SCOPE, " AND (" + sqlString.substring(4) + ")");
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// /**
-// * 拼接权限sql前先清空params.dataScope参数防止注入
-// */
-// private void clearDataScope(final JoinPoint joinPoint)
-// {
-// Object params = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
-// if (StringUtils.isNotNull(params) && params instanceof BaseEntity)
-// {
-// BaseEntity baseEntity = (BaseEntity) params;
-// baseEntity.getParams().put(DATA_SCOPE, "");
-// }
-// }
+package com.ruoyi.common.datascope.aspect;
+import com.usky.system.domain.SysUserVO;
+import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
+import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
+import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import com.usky.common.core.utils.StringUtils;
+import com.usky.common.core.bean.BaseEntity;
+import com.ruoyi.common.datascope.annotation.DataScope;
+import com.usky.common.security.utils.SecurityUtils;
+import com.usky.system.domain.SysRoleVO;
+import com.usky.system.model.LoginUser;
+import java.util.Map;
+ * 数据过滤处理
+ *
+ * @author ruoyi
+ */
+public class DataScopeAspect
+ /**
+ * 全部数据权限
+ */
+ public static final String DATA_SCOPE_ALL = "1";
+ /**
+ * 自定数据权限
+ */
+ public static final String DATA_SCOPE_CUSTOM = "2";
+ /**
+ * 部门数据权限
+ */
+ public static final String DATA_SCOPE_DEPT = "3";
+ /**
+ * 部门及以下数据权限
+ */
+ public static final String DATA_SCOPE_DEPT_AND_CHILD = "4";
+ /**
+ * 仅本人数据权限
+ */
+ public static final String DATA_SCOPE_SELF = "5";
+ /**
+ * 数据权限过滤关键字
+ */
+ public static final String DATA_SCOPE = "dataScope";
+ @Before("@annotation(controllerDataScope)")
+ public void doBefore(JoinPoint point, DataScope controllerDataScope) throws Throwable
+ {
+ clearDataScope(point);
+ handleDataScope(point, controllerDataScope);
+ }
+ protected void handleDataScope(final JoinPoint joinPoint, DataScope controllerDataScope)
+ {
+ // 获取当前的用户
+ LoginUser loginUser = SecurityUtils.getLoginUser();
+ if (StringUtils.isNotNull(loginUser))
+ {
+ SysUserVO currentUser = loginUser.getSysUser();
+ // 如果是超级管理员,则不过滤数据
+ if (StringUtils.isNotNull(currentUser) && !currentUser.isAdmin())
+ {
+ dataScopeFilter(joinPoint, currentUser, controllerDataScope.deptAlias(),
+ controllerDataScope.userAlias());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 数据范围过滤
+ *
+ * @param joinPoint 切点
+ * @param user 用户
+ * @param deptAlias 部门别名
+ * @param userAlias 用户别名
+ */
+ public static void dataScopeFilter(JoinPoint joinPoint, SysUserVO user, String deptAlias, String userAlias)
+ {
+ StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder();
+ for (SysRoleVO role : user.getRoles())
+ {
+ String dataScope = role.getDataScope();
+ if (DATA_SCOPE_ALL.equals(dataScope))
+ {
+ sqlString = new StringBuilder();
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (DATA_SCOPE_CUSTOM.equals(dataScope))
+ {
+ sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
+ " OR {}.dept_id IN ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_role_dept WHERE role_id = {} ) ", deptAlias,
+ role.getRoleId()));
+ }
+ else if (DATA_SCOPE_DEPT.equals(dataScope))
+ {
+ sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(" OR {}.dept_id = {} ", deptAlias, user.getDeptId()));
+ }
+ else if (DATA_SCOPE_DEPT_AND_CHILD.equals(dataScope))
+ {
+ sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(
+ " OR {}.dept_id IN ( SELECT dept_id FROM sys_dept WHERE dept_id = {} or find_in_set( {} , ancestors ) )",
+ deptAlias, user.getDeptId(), user.getDeptId()));
+ }
+ else if (DATA_SCOPE_SELF.equals(dataScope))
+ {
+ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userAlias))
+ {
+ sqlString.append(StringUtils.format(" OR {}.user_id = {} ", userAlias, user.getUserId()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // 数据权限为仅本人且没有userAlias别名不查询任何数据
+ sqlString.append(" OR 1=0 ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sqlString.toString()))
+ {
+ Object params = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
+ if (StringUtils.isNotNull(params) && params instanceof BaseEntity)
+ {
+ BaseEntity baseEntity = (BaseEntity) params;
+ baseEntity.getParams().put(DATA_SCOPE, " AND (" + sqlString.substring(4) + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 拼接权限sql前先清空params.dataScope参数防止注入
+ */
+ private void clearDataScope(final JoinPoint joinPoint)
+ {
+ Object params = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
+ if (StringUtils.isNotNull(params) && params instanceof BaseEntity)
+ {
+ BaseEntity baseEntity = (BaseEntity) params;
+ baseEntity.getParams().put(DATA_SCOPE, "");
+ }
+ }